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30 Day Beginner Challenge

Guitar Skills



This course includes the following 6 units

Unit 1

Smashing The Basics

Welcome to our beginners 30 day challenge, and first up, let us say congrats for committing to your guitar playing and to this challenge. We will be showing you how to play guitar, from scratch, with our aim to instil a habit of daily practice.

Unit 2

Let's Hit The Gym

Guitar gym is a term we use a lot here at Your Guitar Academy, so let's start by talking about what it means. Essentially, Guitar Gym is a range of exercises that are deliberately constructed to build your technique, skill and fluidity on the fretboard.

Unit 3

Getting Musical

This is a big moment... Your first song! We will be using everything we have learnt so far to put together an entire song, from scratch, and learn it just like a pro guitarist would.

Unit 4

The Nitty Gritty

To kick off this unit, we need to catch up with a little bit of theory. Learning the major scale is absolutely crucial when it comes to understanding chords, scales, keys and pretty much everything you play on the guitar!

Unit 5

Second Song

We will be using everything we have learnt so far to put together our next song, from scratch, and learn it just like a pro guitarist would.

Unit 6

Getting Ready

You've made it to the final unit! In this last group of lessons we will be filling in some gaps, and making sure everything is sticking in your memory. We'll throw in a couple of important new chords too for good measure. Let's get started!


The best place to begin your journey

Welcome to our beginners 30 day challenge, and first up, let me say congrats for committing to your guitar playing and to this challenge. We will be showing you how to play guitar, from scratch, with our aim to install a habit of daily practice. It may seem obvious, but daily practice is the key to properly learning the guitar, so we will be setting you up with proper practice plans as the course develops.

Just before we start, I want to be clear that although this is a "30 day challenge", you can absolute work through it in your own time. Whether it takes you 30 days or 130 days simply doesn't matter. Commit to the process of going through the videos in a time that suits you, and enjoy it!

Dan Holton

Demystify the guitar

All you need for this course is your guitar! We'll start at the very foundations of guitar, including tuning, the notes on the neck, and the parts of the guitar. We quickly move to being able to decipher chord diagrams and TAB (the special way music is written out just for guitar) then get you playing your first chords! We'll use custom written songs so you have something real to practice, and equip you with the skills you need to go out and play the songs you love! We'll even cover some lead guitar and scales so if you've ever imagined yourself taking a guitar solo this is place to start!


30 HD videos

Full lesson notes

Backing tracks

Supporting diagrams

Interactive guitar tab

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