Kick-start your guitar learning in 30 days!
Go from zero to guitar hero! The best guitar course for complete beginners, teaching a variety of chords, solos and theory to begin your playing adventure.
Presented by Dan
30 Day Beginner ChallengeLearn to understand 7th Chords
Learn how minor 7th, major 7th and dominant 7th chords are constructed, as well as get a deeper understanding of chord construction in general.
Presented by Dan
7th ChordsLearn to understand 9th Chords
In this course we cover major 9th, minor 9th and dominant 9th chords. We discuss the effect of adding the 9th, how it makes the chord sound, and how to use it.
Presented by Dan
9th ChordsLevel 1
Level 1: Strumming your first chords.
Everything else you as a beginner guitar student that loves acoustic guitar. We'll take you through your first chords and how to strum and play full songs!
Presented by Dan
Acoustic BeginnersLevel 1
Level 2
Level 2: Capos, picking & percussion
In this course we move on to techniques like fingerpicking, learn a wide variety of open chords, play with a capo and create percussive effects with the guitar!
Presented by Dan
Acoustic BeginnersLevel 2
Level 1
Enter The World Of Fingerstyle
Take all the chords that you already know and turn them into something magical! In this course we build your fingerpicking technique from the ground up.
Presented by Thomas
Acoustic FingerstyleLevel 1
Level 2
Become the one-person-band!
This course is all about taking the basics and fundamentals of level 1, and developing some exciting new percussive techniques like "claw strumming" and "slap"!
Presented by Thomas
Acoustic FingerstyleLevel 2
Level 3
The final leg of our epic journey to fingerstyle greatness.
In this course you'll learn Travis picking, chord melody, groove, going beyond the basic chords and so much more. Push your fingerstyle playing to a new level!
Presented by Thomas
Acoustic FingerstyleLevel 3
Play Like The Rhythmic Lead Master!
Without a doubt, Angus Young is one of the most influential rock guitar players in history, and in this course we teach you how to play like the great man himself!
Presented by Dan
Angus YoungBlues Played by The King
If you've heard of the blues then you've heard of B.B. King. With his incredible feel, tone, bending and vibrato he truly is The King of the Blues.
Presented by Dan
B.B.Kingbreaking down barre-iers!
This comprehensive course will give you the skills, understanding and, crucially, practice methods to be able to master these guitar-unlocking chords.
Presented by Franco
Barre ChordsBeginner Guitar Gym
Practice along in real-time! You'll be walked through a beginner guitar gym session in much the same way a fitness instructor would walk you through a workout.
Presented by Dan
Beginner GymTime to master those bends!
Take a focussed look at the technique required to perform beautiful bends on the guitar. One of the very best ways to develop your own voice on the instrument!
Presented by Franco
Beginners BendsDan takes you on a 5 lesson interactive rhythm journey.
This course is a complete guide to rhythm, showing you how to apply the theory and decipher (or create) any groove you like! A must for beginners.
Presented by Dan
Beginners RhythmPlay blues licks across the entire neck!
Our aim in this challenge is to guide you through the process of taking a single blues lick, and making it work over a variety of backing tracks, in any key.
Presented by Dan
Blues LicksMaster your blues rhythm playing!
By the end of the course, not only will you have 5 awesome blues tracks to play along with, you’ll also have a deep understanding of the most important blues rhythms in history!
Presented by Dan
Blues RhythmHarmonised theatrical lead guitar
Understand Brian May's unmistakable sound. In this course we tackle his style, tone and the scales and arpeggios he uses to create his wonderful guitar parts.
Presented by Dion
Brian MayIntricate and summery Latin licks
We'll show you the theory, techniques and gear behind the great man's sound, so that you can incorporate his famous Latin flair into your own lead playing.
Presented by Dan
Carlos SantanaModern Virtuoso Funk!
Take a deep dive into what makes Cory Wong's funky style work. Bring your rhythm playing to the very highest level and learn to make the groove work for you.
Presented by Dion
Cory WongThe drummer who plays guitar!
Learn from Dave Grohl's mastery of songwriting, rhythm and creative chord progressions. A perfect course for anyone who wants to write songs or play in a band!
Presented by Franco
Dave GrohlStadium filling classic rock sounds
This course takes an in-depth look at David Gilmour's lead playing, key theory and techniques, with full breakdowns of two solos. Perfect for all Floyd fans!
Presented by Dan
David GilmourLearn from the original master of metal
Learn Dimebag's incredible technique, unique writing style and amazing whammy bar tricks. For any guitarist that wants to play metal, this course is a must!
Presented by Dion
Dimebag DarrellLearn to understand diminished chords
During this course, we complete our collection of 7th chords by tackling the Diminished 7th and Minor 7b5 chords. We then harmonise a scale with 7th chords.
Presented by Dan
Diminished ChordsSimple chords, beautiful songs
Learn 4 distinct styles from Ed Sheeran's playing: the slap, the chug, the flowing fingerstyle technique & the art of embellishing simple chord shapes.
Presented by Thomas
Ed SheeranFinger Tapping Masterclass
EVH was a true pioneer of rock finger tapping and a master of the style. We'll take you through a tapping masterclass and analyse the other techniques EVH uses.
Presented by Jay
Eddie Van HalenLevel 1
Level 1: Strumming your first chords.
This course takes you through your first chords, how to strum, how to play full songs, how to master basic theory and everything else you need as a beginner.
Presented by Dan
Electric BeginnersLevel 1
Level 2
Powerchords & The Blues
Move into a world of distortion and electric-specific genres! We'll cover power chords, crucial in playing in any rock or punk style, and the electric blues!
Presented by Dan
Electric BeginnersLevel 2
Level 3
Level 3: The world of barre chords!
It's time to enter the challenging world of barre chords! These are the gateway to becoming an intermediate player, so we've devoted an entire course to them.
Presented by Dan
Electric BeginnersLevel 3
Level 1
Build your foundations for true blues!
Start your journey toward becoming a brilliant blues player! Dan takes you through scales and techniques used to create truly authentic blues rhythm and solos!
Presented by Dan
Electric Blues EssentialsLevel 1
Level 2
The wonderful world of slow blues!
Learn everything you need to play awesome slow blues tracks - 12/8 time, the theory, chord shapes, lead techniques and even arpeggios to use in your soloing.
Presented by Dan
Electric Blues EssentialsLevel 2
Level 3
Go Beyond The 12 Bar
Here we learn something extremely important: The blues is a feeling, the blues is a way of playing, it transcends far beyond the boundary of a 12 bar structure.
Presented by Dan
Electric Blues EssentialsLevel 3
Level 1
Level 1: The CAGED system
Our first intermediate electric course will help you expand your knowledge of chords to include all CAGED shapes across the neck, improving your versatility.
Presented by Dan
Electric IntermediatesLevel 1
Level 2
Level 2: Playing 'Hendrix Style"
We'll learn how Jimi Hendrix used CAGED chords to play lead and rhythm at the same time! We'll also check out the famous "Rock & Roll" sound of the 50s.
Presented by Dan
Electric IntermediatesLevel 2
Intermediate Blues Rock from 'God' Himself
Take a deep dive into Clapton's time with Cream - awesome solos, rhythm tracks, theory and gain a real understanding of how Clapton did what he did on guitar!
Presented by Dan
Eric ClaptonLearn The Essentials
Start here to learn essential theory with an easy to follow method that lets you understand the inner workings of music and practically apply it to the guitar.
Presented by Dan
Essential TheoryTwo hands are better than one!
If you're new to tapping this is the course for you. We build from very basics, and lesson by lesson advance the tapping finishing with an awesome tapping solo.
Presented by Claire
Finger TappingLevel 1
Scales intertwined with chords
Learn the building blocks of how to embellish any chord progression in two fundamental keys on guitar, with real, music examples. Make your progressions sing!
Presented by Thomas
Fingerstyle ArrangementLevel 1
Level 1
Make your fingerstyle groove!
Learn percussive elements to fingerstyle to really transform your playing with a custom written piece that gives you the tools to add this style to your own songs.
Presented by Thomas
Fingerstyle PercussionLevel 1
Learn to play with feel!
Freddie King is a master of every aspect of the blues, and we have lots to learn from him. If you want to give your blues more feel and sound vocal start here!
Presented by Dan
Freddie KingLevel 1
Level 1: Build a funky core
Build your funk playing from scratch with 3 custom written tracks! From early James Brown-style grooves to modern Bruno Mars style funky pop and plenty more!
Presented by Dan
Funk EssentialsLevel 1
Jazz meets perfect pop
During this course we focus on both George's solo and rhythm playing, including octave parts, chromatic ideas, cool jazzy scales and a ton of extension chords!
Presented by Dion
George BensonThe musical blueprint
Transform your guitar from something you practice, to something you create music with. And learn how to use it to work out songs completely by ear.
Presented by Franco
HarmonySet up your perfect practice space
How to set up your practice space. Make sure that you want to pick up that guitar, want to play and want to practice. Without that, how can we possibly improve?
Presented by Dan
Home Studio GuideDan takes you through the process of properly learning a lick.
Dan takes you through the process of properly learning a lick. Once you understand it you can apply it to every single guitar lick or phrase that you learn!
Presented by Dan
How To Learn LicksLevel 1
The scale is not everything, can you solo with one note?
If you're struggling with your improvisation you don't need more scales or more theory. What you need is to strip it all back. Thomas will show you how!
Presented by Thomas
ImprovisationLevel 1
How to enjoy your instrument!
This course takes simple ideas; powerchords, pentatonic scales, and basic chords, and shows you how to get the most out of them for some truly creative ideas!
Presented by Franco
Jack White & The White StripesPlay like the Greatest Of All Time!
Lean all the styles Jimi Hendrix made famous! From full on fuzz-fuelled rock, to Jimi's trademark chords-with-lead style this course will show you how to do it!
Presented by Dan
Jimi HendrixChunky Riffs & Epic Solos
Learn Jimmy Page's lead and rhythm playing, tackle the scales and theory behind his sound, and examine how he used various techniques in his songwriting!
Presented by Dan
Jimmy PageAdvanced blues from a modern master!
In this advanced course Dion takes you through all the theory, scales and technique Joe Bonamassa uses to create his distinctive fast runs and beautiful melodies!
Presented by Dion
Joe BonamassaRed Hot guitar playing!
We're learning by taking a proper look under the hood of John's style, breaking down the theory and applying it to our custom written Frusciante tracks!
Presented by Dion
John FruscianteA multi-disciplinary test of skill
Learn to play with John Mayer's unique flair in a course that covers every facet of his playing style. Acoustic grooves, awesome blues and commanding lead!
Presented by Dan
John MayerCome as you are, leave as Kurt Cobain
Learn Kurt Cobain's incredibly dynamic playing, rhythm that changed rock, free soloing as well as his notorious guitar tone and dark music theory concepts!
Presented by Franco
Kurt CobainLevel 1
Level 1: Laying the foundations
Want to play lead guitar? This course will get you started! We focus on exercises to build strength and dexterity, as well as learning the "ultimate" rock scale!
Presented by Dan
Lead Guitar BeginnersLevel 1
Level 2
Level 2: Solos, scales & improvising
Use pentatonic scales, full major and minor scales, vibrato and various lead techniques, to improve your own improvising and write your own solos!
Presented by Dan
Lead Guitar BeginnersLevel 2
Level 1
Getting ready to perform
Become confident playing and improvising across the entire fretboard using scales, arpeggios and mastery of the five pentatonic shapes!
Presented by Dan
Lead Guitar IntermediatesLevel 1
Level 2
Genre Hopping & more Speed
Learn how to use vibrato properly, then learn how to riff in blues, rock, funk and indie. Improve the speed of your playing on the guitar too!
Presented by Dan
Lead Guitar IntermediatesLevel 2
Beyond CAGED Shapes
Learn how to use the CAGED system in a truly practical and musical way. Unlock your fretboard with specially written licks in this five lesson challenge!
Presented by Dion
Major CAGED LicksFinger Twisting Workout!
Our guitar gym lessons are all about learning and improving together. Basic finger exercises up to arpeggios that will really develop your control as a player!
Presented by Dan
Master Your FingersLevel 1
Level 1: It's Time To Get Heavy
Learn all of the key concepts you need to master to get started with metal. Our focus will be dialling up your technique and focusing on metal rhythms.
Presented by Dion
Metal EssentialsLevel 1
Level 2
Modes, technique and tuning!
Level Up Your Metal! Learn the secrets behind modern metal riffs & solos! 'Metal modes', polymeters, techniques and the tone you need to be playing modern metal
Presented by Claire
Metal EssentialsLevel 2
Upgrade your technique
Learn riffing, palm muting, percussive muting techniques & more! Then massively increase your alternate picking speed, with an incredible metal song by James Phillips.
Presented by James
Modern MetalTriads, embellishments & groove.
Nile Rodgers is best known as the “hitmaker”. We learn his incredible rhythm chops, chord vocabulary and his ability to craft perfect parts for his songs.
Presented by Dion
Nile RodgersMaster chord choice and melody
Learn from Noel Gallagher's mastery of simple, catchy melody and chord choice to take what you have, add a few choice extras, and make your playing come alive!
Presented by Franco
Noel GallagherNo more fretboard mystery!
Using two simple shapes you can find any note on any string across the neck. A vital step in any guitarist's journey!
Presented by Franco
OctavesReally appreciate the beauty of open chords
In this course we take a deeper look at open chords, and in five lessons explore the theory, chord shapes and exercises you can use to unlock your creativity.
Presented by Dan
Open ChordsConquer the world of pentatonic scales!
If you're ready to conquer the world of pentatonic scales, don't wait - start now and let the music flow with this play along guitar gym course!
Presented by Dan
Pentatonic MasteryLearn to understand pentatonic scales
In this course we shed some light on why the pentatonic scale is so commonly used, and why it sounds so good over a variety of chord progressions!
Presented by Dan
Pentatonic TheoryOur modal Journey starts here
When it comes to songwriting the Ionian mode is essential. We'll walk you through everything, constructing the mode and demonstrating exactly how to use it.
Presented by Dion
Practical Modes IonianLevel 1
Your rock journey starts here!
This course will get you started with rock, from classic rock to more modern sounds, working with the rhythm and lead approach you need to be a rock player.
Presented by Claire
Rock EssentialsLevel 1
Play faster, quicker! 😂
When used well, a legato rock run can massively elevate your soloing, and can then be used to unlock a new difficulty of songs. Learn the secrets to speed!
Presented by Claire
Rock Legato New5 essential rock licks
Learn 5 licks heavily inspired by two amazing rock guitar players, Slash and Angus Young. The licks have soul, rhythm and an immediate impact on your soloing!
Presented by Claire
Rock LicksLearn to understand scale harmonisation
Ever wonder what people mean when they say "we're playing in the key of A"? In this course we will take you through everything you need to understand it!
Presented by Dan
Scale HarmonisationBecome the ultimate 80s guitar hero.
There's more to Slash than the top hat! Learn how Slash helped define the rock sound of the 80s, and incorporate his songwriting techniques into your own playing.
Presented by Dan
SlashLevel 1
Break through your barriers and start playing fast
This course will give you the tools and understanding you need to build speed efficiently, and achieve the speed of the solos you're learning!
Presented by Dan
Speed BuildingLevel 1
Level 2
5 musical exercises to build your speed
Whether or not you love the sound of ‘speed players’ there is no doubt that having a bit of speed at your disposal is a powerful tool in your improvisation toolbox.
Presented by Dion
Speed BuildingLevel 2
Let's learn from the session master!
Steve Lukather is an absolute virtuoso guitar player, and in this course we will be breaking down and analysing his key techniques from his Toto days.
Presented by Ollie
Steve LukatherA heady dose of Texas blues!
Learn SRV's quick lead playing and dynamic slow blues, as well as his rhythm and chord techniques! Perfect for deepening your understanding of blues guitar.
Presented by Dan
Stevie Ray VaughanClassic Songs, Classic Players
There is one month of the year, though, when it's time to take a break from the progression and have some serious Christmas fun!
Presented by Dan
The 12 Songs of ChristmasGet Off To The Perfect Start
Our Basics course will get you off to a perfect start! This is a great primer course before you move onto the beginner level courses.
Presented by Dan
The BasicsLearn to understand the modes
The modes of the major scale are a complex but essential topic for guitarists. This two-part series delves into modes, taking a detailed look at them one by one.
Presented by Dan
The ModesVocal Like Guitar Solos & Jazz Chords!
Tom Misch is hands down one of the most talented and unique guitar players of the modern-day, with his instantly recognisable brand of soul, jazz, pop and funk!
Presented by Dion
Tom MischLearn to understand triad construction
The term 'triad' in a musical setting simply means 3 note chord. There are many types including suspended and augmented chords, which we tackle in this course.
Presented by Dan
Triad ConstructionTriad theory and application
Learn 10 triad shapes, including inversions, that will provide you with a tool to navigate the fretboard to improve your rhythm playing, and also your lead!
Presented by Dion
Triads28 Epic Van Halen Licks!
If you want to play like Eddie Van Halen this is the course you need. We cover all the quintessential EVH techniques including tapping, legato, rhythm and speed!
Presented by Cam
Unlocking EVHMaster The Major CAGED System
We firmly believe that the CAGED chord system is the key to unlocking the fretboard. In this course, we will show you exactly what you need to do to achieve this!
Presented by Dan
Unlocking Major CAGEDMaster your Minor CAGED system!
Once you're comfortable with the major CAGED system this course will help you to complete your knowledge and truly understand your fretboard!
Presented by Dan
Unlocking Minor CAGED